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Nuevas Perspectivas: República Dominicana

Dia de la Recepcción - 05/03/2010

Emy Rodriguez (GFDD) is ready to welcome guests and answer any questions. People lining up to participate in the raffle.... Dominican Republic was well represented by the DR Embassy, and the DR Mission to the OAS, as well of course as FUNGLODE/GFDD. From left, Omar de la Cruz (FUNGLODE), Semiramis de Miranda (GFDD), Roberto Saladin (Embassy), Asuncion Sanz (GFDD), Edgar Aponte (Embassy) and Anne Casale (Photographer). The photographer took them a bit by surprise, but they love it! My experience working for the Foundation has its novelty -- Margaret Hayward on the right. Could they be figuring out how to get to this place? This lady is Dominican and cannot believe her eyes... The book, Dominican Republic: New Perspectives is a success. Guests were eagerly leafing through its pages. The gent with the hat jokes that he wants Dominican citizenship! Yes, I agree, amazing!  These Dominican officials are very proud of the Exhibit, which shows a unique side to their country.More happy friends Drum roll…. It’s time for the big speech, officially opening the Exhibit. From left, Anne Casale (Photogropher), Virgilio Alcantara (DR Ambassador to the OAS), Asuncion Sanz (GFDD), Semiramis de Miranda (GFDD) and Wellington Bencosme (Deputy Chief of Mission, Dominican Embassy). Attendees listen intently to the Hosts, wanting to learn as much as possible about the Exhibit. They felt privileged to see this kind of artwork. Anne Casale was so overcome with emotion, she almost lost her voice. One of the special features of the evening was from Exhibit sponsor, Rosalba Gillardi, who displayed fine Dominican Amber and Larimar jewellery. This lady is thinking, --I had no idea! I wanted to film their thoughts on the Exhibit, but they were shy... The Dominican woman gives an explanation about Limon Waterfall in Samana So, I decided to just chat.. I expect they are thinking; --I wish I were there right now.. They are curious to find out the name and location of this hidden paradise.
These gentlemen are saying that they have never been here.....yet So, this particular image shows people washing clothes in the Massacre River. Visitors scour every detail. He is from Brazil and she is from DR -- here is much to discuss about this hidden beauty. This lady is also from DR and is proudly informing others about her country. He says this is his dream place. DR awaits..... He has noticed something interesting we cannot quite see from here.. Maybe he is envisioning his next trip to DR This is a secret they are friends of the Photographer.

Installacción de la fotos - 05/02/2010

Pre-setup Terrace Level Gallery at the OAS Fabian and Adam work for the Art Museum of the Americas. They are hanging their first photo.. Fabian and Adam are both expert curators. Fabian prepares the photo for set up. The size of the photo requires two people to hoist it.. That looks like it's in the right position. Starting to look good. Adam brings in extra help. Both of them are needed to handle the photo. The photos have been safety installed. Another wall finished. It looks beautiful, right? Another huge photo. The middle photo is of Limon Waterfall in the Province of Samana Have you ever been to such a beautiful beach? Some are fortunate to get a pre-view of the Exhibit. More of the lucky few before the official opening. If you like cigars, this is THE photo for you... For beach lovers everywhere... El Morro looks massive from the air. Beach lover #1 Beach lover #2 Adam makes final adjustments whilst people wander around. A TV monitor on a continuous loop screens even more delightful images. Dominican Republic's unknown face. Photographer, Anne Casale talks about her inspiration. The Dominican's hidden treasures. Mission accomplished! Finally ready for the opening reception.Digital Photos Album by VisualLightBox.com v3.2
Datos del País
una iniciativa de FUNGLODE | GFDD